We are now present on social media!

It’s official! We are now present on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn! Please follow us at:                                                           Courtfield Private Practice      Courtfield_private_practice      Courtfieldpp             Courtfield...

Protect yourself from the flu!

As you will  be aware from press reports, the number of Influenza cases in the UK is currently on the rise. It is still not too late to have your flu jab. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Congratulations to Demetra for her ‘stroll’ along the Thames!

Last Saturday Demetra completed a 50km (31 miles) walk along the Thames and has now raised over £1500 for the Lymphoma Association! She finished in 5th place and was the 2nd woman to cross the finish line! Please find details of her story online :...

Annual flu clinics

Stay healthy this year & get your flu shot! Due to high demand, we are holding 2 extra nurse-led flu clinics on the following days: Saturday 18th November between 9.am – 1.00pm Wednesday 29th November between 6.30pm – 8.30pm   Please contact the...

Dr Ebba Khalil away on Maternity Leave

We are pleased to announce the news of Dr Ebba Khalil’s pregnancy! Ebba is now on maternity leave in Calgary, Canada where she is spending time with her family and will return back to the practice in spring next year. She will be missed and we wish her well with her...